Category | Distribution |
Total Supply | 10M |
Initial Liquidity | 3M (Seed liquidity for pools) |
In-Game Emission | 2M (Players can get OMKG by completing quests and winning tournaments) |
Team | 1M (Locked for 6 months cliff, another 6 months linear) |
DAO Treasury | 4M (When the governance is established, DAO will own the treasury) |
Current Supply
3,000,000 OMKG
initial Liquidity
All the initial Supply of 3,000,000 OMKG was added to the LP:
Add Liquidity tx: (opens in a new tab)
WETH/OMKG LP on Scroll: (opens in a new tab)
In-Game Emission
Further in the game we will have Missions/Quests and tournaments to reward the players with new tokens.
Team will own 10% of the Total Supply that will be locked, date of mint will be announced to the players with all the txs.
DAO Treasury
Our plan for the Future is to create a DAO to control the governance of the Token and the Project, Develpment and Marketing investiments will be decided by the DAO and payed from the Treasury.
Multisig Wallet - 0x17eF6A4a9df4085376d7c45f61392d96cade8877
OmniKingdoms is managed by a multisig wallet to avoid any security-related issues