🚀 How to Play
Token Bridge

Minting Gold Tokens

The selected code is part of a function in the ExchangeFacet contract responsible for minting gold tokens. This function is marked as internal, indicating that it can only be called from within the contract. The function takes two arguments: _facetAddress and _amount.

The function's workflow includes:

  1. Declaring a CoinStorage variable c, which references the contract's internal storage for gold tokens.
  2. Checking that the _amount is less than or equal to the sender's balance of gold tokens.
  3. Creating a new ERC20Facet variable tokenFacet, referencing the contract on the diamond that implements the ERC20 interface.
  4. Checking if _amount is greater than zero. If it is, calculating the number of tokens to be minted based on the _amount and a conversion rate of 1 gold token per 1 ether.
  5. Deducting a 2% fee from the total amount and calling the mint function on the tokenFacet contract to mint the tokens to the sender and the fee recipient.
  6. Decrementing the sender's balance of gold tokens by the _amount.

Claiming Gold Tokens

The selected code is part of a function in the ExchangeFacet contract responsible for claiming gold tokens. Similar to the minting function, this function is marked as internal, indicating that it can only be called from within the contract. The function also takes two arguments: _facetAddress and _amount.

The function's workflow includes:

  1. Declaring a CoinStorage variable c, which references the contract's internal storage for gold tokens.
  2. Creating a new ERC20Facet variable tokenFacet, referencing the contract on the diamond that implements the ERC20 interface.
  3. Checking the sender's balance of tokens on the _facetAddress contract.
  4. Calculating the number of tokens to be claimed based on the _amount and a conversion rate of 1 gold token per 1 ether.
  5. Calling the burn function on the tokenFacet contract to burn the tokens and increment the sender's balance of gold tokens.

These functions are integral to managing gold tokens within the system, including minting and claiming processes.